Retirees Will Outlive Their Savings by 10 Years, According to a New Study by the World Economic Forum

The typical 65-year-old has only enough savings to cover 9.7 years of retirement income. That leaves the average American man with a gap of 8.3 years, and women (who live longer) face a 10.9-year gap with no savings left.

That’s according to a scary new study by the World Economic Forum. This assumes you live an average lifespan. If you’re one of the “lucky” ones who lives longer, you could outlive your money by 20 to 25 years or more.

6 Challenges You Face that Could Turn Your Retirement Dreams into a Retirement Nightmare…

How many of these challenges have you prepared for?

Challenge #1: The typical household nearing retirement has an average of only $135,000 in their combined retirement accounts – enough to provide at most $600 per month income. (Source: Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances)

Challenge #2: Even healthy couples will face extreme health care costs in retirement. [Read more…] “Retirees Will Outlive Their Savings by 10 Years, According to a New Study by the World Economic Forum”