Stock Market Declines Linked to Early Death, Illness and Fatal Accidents, Studies Show

If you have even 10% of your wealth in the stock market and experience only a 10% loss, your risk of dying early, or having a physical health problem like high blood pressure or a mental health problem such as depression, increases significantly.

That’s according to a recent study published in the American Economic Journal. These losses are known as “wealth shocks,” which the study found “strongly affect physical health, mental health, and survival rates.”

Among every 100 retirees with money in the market suffering a 10% wealth shock, one additional person will die within the next two years, and 2.5 more will develop health problems.

The study didn’t examine the impact of a bigger drop than 10%, but it’s easy to imagine it would be worse.

It’s not rocket science to realize there is a close connection between your health and your wealth.

It’s not just the risk of early death and sickness you need to worry about…

The anxiety, anger, and frustration you feel caused by negative stock market returns also “makes investors more prone to driving errors and lapses.” [Read more…] “Stock Market Declines Linked to Early Death, Illness and Fatal Accidents, Studies Show”

Can You Put a Lump Sum into a Bank On Yourself Plan?

Updated April, 2020

One of the most-asked questions we get is about whether you can pay a larger amount of premium into a Bank On Yourself policy in the early years, to supercharge the growth.

The answer is “yes,” and the big advantage is that it allows you faster access to a higher amount of cash value that you can use for a variety of purposes.

Here are three common situations where people do “lump sum” funding of their plans…

Situation #1: A Better Place for Your “Safe Money”

[Read more…] “Can You Put a Lump Sum into a Bank On Yourself Plan?”

How Sequence of Return Risk Can Devastate Your Retirement Lifestyle

There are three words that could have the biggest impact on whether you enjoy a comfortable retirement… or you have to struggle and forego life’s luxuries – and even life’s necessities.

But almost no one is talking about these three words. And there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of them.

These three words could have more impact on your retirement lifestyle than living longer than you expected… or than being forced to retire sooner than you planned (which happens to nearly 50% of Americans, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute).

The three words may sound a little technical, but I’m going to make them brain-dead simple to understand. [Read more…] “How Sequence of Return Risk Can Devastate Your Retirement Lifestyle”