Ignore All The Financial Experts Who Advise You to Scale Back Your Expectations and Lifestyle
The chorus of gloomy financial experts is singing a ballad of restraint. They warn that we all must adjust ourselves to a “new normal,” in which we lower our expectations and scale back our lifestyles.
The supposed villains are many and include: persistent high unemployment; the devastated real estate market; rising energy and food prices; record budget deficits; the possibility of a double-dip recession; international turmoil; and, well… you name it.
You have no choice, caution the pessimistic gurus, but to swallow:
- Earning less on your investments and savings for the foreseeable future
- Downgrading your current lifestyle to make up for the loss of investment returns
- Having less income at your disposal due to rising prices and the threat of inflation
- Getting socked with higher tax rates as the U.S. Government struggles to close its budget gap, and cash-strapped states and cities do likewise
- Pushing your retirement out – perhaps indefinitely
- Living on less if you do eventually get to retire (that is not only less than you live on now – which these downbeat financial representatives have always claimed is a retirement must – but less even than “the less” they were already advising you get by on just a few years ago)

- Sticking with the financial counselors who have been at your side all along because they remain your best source for guiding your future financial planning
To all of these bitter pills, we can only respond… B.S.
That is, Be Smart.
What the mainstream experts want to you accept as your financial destiny has very little in common with the real truth – a lesson satisfied Bank on Yourself participants regularly experience firsthand.
April marks National Financial Literacy Month in the United States as designated by the U.S. Senate in March 2004 and reaffirmed last year by Presidential proclamation.
National Financial Literacy Month is an excellent opportunity to take account of what you already know about growing and protecting your financial future and what you still need to learn to generate even better results.
What will your 2011 Financial Literacy Score be?
See how well you perform on our exclusive Bank on Yourself Financial Literacy Scorecard
Now is also a perfect time to take shelter from the daily avalanche of bad advice and downright misinformation that we are all bombarded with.

With very few exceptions, most financial literacy tests examine your knowledge of key words and concepts, as well as your adherence to widely accepted investing and savings principles.

For example, WalletPop, a leading online personal finance website, offers a 10-question quiz on financial literacy. Do you know the meaning of: a Put; Gap Insurance; a Quant Fund, the CARD act; a Reverse Mortgage, etc?
Needless to say, the quiz may be entertaining and even challenging, but getting absolutely every question correct reveals nothing about your ability to effectively navigate a pathway to financial stability and success.
True financial literacy is not just about correctly defining terms. And it certainly is not about blind compliance with tired, ineffective mainstream money management advice.
The Bank on Yourself yardstick of financial literacy is quite different. It seeks first and foremost to measure your ability to think and act in your own best interest. Once you realize that you are the single best “expert” to direct your fiscal destiny, there are proven methods from which to choose to reach your financial goals and lifestyle dreams.
Improve Your Financial Picture…
To find out how much your financial picture could improve if you added Bank On Yourself to your financial plan, request a free Analysis. If you’re wondering where you’ll find the funds to start your plan, the Bank On Yourself Professionals are masters at helping people restructure their finances and free up seed money to fund a plan that will help you reach as many of your goals as possible in the shortest time possible.
How do you answer these 10 true-or-false financial literacy statements?
- Much of what I’ve been taught about mainstream financial planning and the advice I’ve received hasn’t delivered as promised. True/False
- There are millions of Americans, just like me, who are growing and securing their net worth without accepting risk and volatility. True/False
- The rules of lifelong financial success are not complex. I am capable of understanding and applying them. True/False
- Wealth is best built and protected using a proven and consistent strategy applied over time. True/False
- My nest egg need not be hostage to the economy, stock market, real estate prices or events outside of my control. True/False
- I can accurately forecast my financial future. True/False
- My lifestyle can improve with each passing year – never retreat. True/False
- I will be able to spend as much, if not more, in retirement than I do now. True/False
- For purposes of financial planning, I don’t plan to die, ever! True/False
- I am anxious to learn from others with real-life experience and proven credentials, but I trust my financial fate to my own hands. True/False

The more of these 10 questions that you answered “true” to, the higher your Bank On Yourself knowledge and self-reliance IQ.
The Top 16 Investing and Savings Myths
Unlearning widely accepted financial fables – such as those contained in our Top 16 Investing and Savings Myths is as important an ingredient in true financial literacy as is nailing down the right rules and methods.
Don’t worry if you didn’t yet respond “true” in each instance. Many of the “false” answers have been deeply planted in us by our parents, well-intentioned family members, Wall Street, financial representatives and the media.
National Financial Literacy Month was established to remind us all to educate ourselves and our children about money, investing, and savings, as well as to encourage us to establish and maintain healthy financial habits.
Each time you visit the Bank on Yourself site and read our informative articles and blog posts, you are doing just that – staying financially fit.
And watch for an exciting announcement about a new website we’ll be unveiling to help you fearlessly navigate your personalized path to lifetime financial security and self-reliance!
Nice update to the blog! Like how you changed things up, especially this article about those pesky gurus! As a matter of fact, it reminds me of the Nightline clip that came out not to long ago.
The clip in general is about how people like SUZE ORMAN, have now changed what they have said about their own advice…interesting none the less.. Matter of fact she recommends being a renter for life….lol…whats next? She will probably say no more investing…lol
Heres the clip by the way…where around 3:20 she delivers the shocking news to her followers, that she told them bad advice….