Judging by the questions we’ve been getting from subscribers, there’s a good chance you may have missed one or more of these recent important stories…
1. Why You Need Dow 32,000 TODAY

With the stock market hitting record highs on an almost daily basis, you may be thinking it’s time to throw caution to the wind and go “all in.”

Before you do, check out this article showing why the Dow would have to be over 32,000 right now – TODAY! – to give you just a 5% annual return since May, 1999… after adjusting for inflation.
Even with the Fed’s massive continuing stimulus propping up the stock market, that’s still more than DOUBLE where the Dow is today.
Get the facts and see the proof here.
2. Consumer Alert! Video Reveals the Scary Truth…
There’s a relatively new financial product that’s fast becoming one of the most popular and over-hyped products around today.
It’s also one of the most potentially dangerous products – you cold literally lose every penny you put into it!
After researching this product for three years, I produced a video exposing the truth about it.
Watch this video today. It could save you from losing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Or read the transcript if you prefer.)
3. Are You Putting Your Retirement Savings in Prison?
Millions of unsuspecting Americans are doing just that and don’t realize it until it’s too late.
Read this eye-opening article here today! This is one of the most important articles I’ve ever written.REQUEST YOUR
In a Bank On Yourself plan, your money grows by a guaranteed and predictable amount every year. Your plan never goes backward when the market crashes. The growth curve steepens every year – with no luck, skill or guesswork required. You’re in control of the money in the plan.
It’s easy to find out how big your nest-egg could grow – guaranteed – if you add Bank On Yourself to your financial plan, when you request your free Analysis (if you haven’t already).
If you have questions you’d like to see answered in future blog posts, I’d love to hear from you in the comments box below…
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