Category: Bank On Yourself Reviews

From “Bank On Yourself is a Scam” to “This Can Work for Everyone!”

Dan Proskauer is a technology executive for a major health care company who heard a radio ad for Bank On Yourself in 2009 that caught his attention. At that time, the economy was in a deep recession, and the stock market was plunging.

For several years, Dan had felt frustrated because he’d been doing all the “right things” he’d been taught to do with his finances… but those “right things” were failing him – and most other Americans – miserably.

Having been burned numerous times by following the conventional financial “wisdom,” Dan was understandably very skeptical of Bank On Yourself. It sounded “too good to be true.” In fact, it sounded like it must be a scam!

(I recently interviewed Dan about his 11-year journey with Bank On Yourself, and you can click here to skip to hear the interview and/or read a transcript of it.) [Read more…] “From “Bank On Yourself is a Scam” to “This Can Work for Everyone!””

Is Bank On Yourself a Scam? Read These Reviews and Decide for Yourself

Scam (noun): a dishonest or illegal plan or activity, especially one for making money

Bank On Yourself (proper noun): A wealth-generating system using dividend-paying whole life insurance policies with riders that supercharge the growth of the policies. These policies are protected by a multi-layer safety net, and the companies recommended for the Bank On Yourself concept are audited by regulators in all 50 states.

Through every economy imaginable, from the terrible Great Depression of the 1930s to the “boom days” of the 1990s, to the Great Recession of 2007 – 2010, the Bank On Yourself strategy has demonstrated unfailing success for well over 160 years.

Do “Bank On Yourself” and “scam” even belong in the same sentence? To read or listen to some self-appointed experts, yeah, they do belong in the same sentence. It’s difficult for the naysayers to recognize such traits as patience, discipline, and self-restraint – the very traits that are prized by those who use and benefit from the Bank On Yourself method of safe wealth-building.

The naysayers would rather say, “It sounds too good to be true, therefore it is too good to be true.” But if something is “too good to be true” just because it sounds “too good,” then what about radio and television, motion pictures, airplanes, and even ballpoint pens? At one time or another, every one of those sounded too good to be true.

When something sounds too good to be true, examine it carefully and thoughtfully. That’s much smarter than running away from it with a closed mind.

Why Do Some People Dismiss Bank On Yourself As a Scam?

[Read more…] “Is Bank On Yourself a Scam? Read These Reviews and Decide for Yourself”

Is There A Good Alternative for Retirement Savings? See What These Bank On Yourself Reviews Say

Navy Commander … physician … salesman … retired NFL record-holder … what do they all have in common?

They are all happily using the Bank On Yourself safe wealth-building method to either beef up or even serve as the foundation of their retirement savings plans. And these are just four of the hundreds of thousands of satisfied Bank On Yourselfers.

The Bank On Yourself strategy uses specially-designed dividend-paying whole life insurance to create a secure savings plan. The policies grow by a guaranteed and pre-set amount every year. The growth is exponential, meaning it gets more efficient every year the policy is held, providing peak growth at the time many people need it most – retirement.

And what’s not to like about Bank On Yourself? Guaranteed growth … accounts that never go down in value … incomparable tax benefits … and no government restrictions on putting money in or taking money out. Read on for the straight truth from actual Bank On Yourself clients …

Bank On Yourself Reviews, in Their Own Words

Here are the stories of Bob Chambers (Navy commander), Dr. Bryan Kuns (physician), Lowell Warner (sales professional), and Glyn Milburn (retired football star) …

Bank On Yourself Retirement Planning Is About More Than Money … It’s About Financial Independence … Lifestyle … and Legacy

[Read more…] “Is There A Good Alternative for Retirement Savings? See What These Bank On Yourself Reviews Say”

More Reviews About Bank On Yourself Changing Lives!

The Bank On Yourself strategy is much more than just another way to save for retirement. Think about it: If you’re firing your banker, bypassing Wall Street, and taking back control of your own financial future – you’re literally changing your life!

You can see Bank On Yourself video reviews on YouTube. Bank On Yourself really does continue to change lives, as folks of all ages and incomes have discovered.

More than half a million families and businesses use the Bank On Yourself strategy – based on using super-charged dividend-paying whole life insurance – to reach their short-term and long-term financial goals, without taking any unnecessary risk. Read what real people are saying about this strategy in these Bank On Yourself reviews.

Drew Wilder Reviews Bank On Yourself

Drew Wilder’s family has been using the Bank On Yourself safe wealth-building strategy since 2006. In this review of the Bank On Yourself method, Drew shares how he’s relying on Bank On Yourself as a safe way to build financial stability … providing a source of funds for needs ranging from home repair to paying for college. See why Drew trusts dividend-paying whole life insurance to safely grow his nest egg.

Phil and Marge Owens Recommend Bank On Yourself

[Read more…] “More Reviews About Bank On Yourself Changing Lives!”

Have You Seen This Amazing Review of The Bank On Yourself Revolution Book?

I’ve seen hundreds of reviews of my latest book, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, since its publication in 2014. And they’re fascinating to read because they’re all over the map. Most readers praise the strategy, although a few have damned it. (I could be mistaken, but I don’t believe anyone who has actually used the strategy for themselves has written a review saying they are unhappy.)

In any case, you can see some of the Bank On Yourself reviews here.

As you can imagine, the Amazon reviews for The Bank On Yourself Revolution are highly opinionated!

On the day I wrote this post, there were 138 reviews of The Bank On Yourself Revolution on I’m thrilled that Amazon customers are giving us their two cents’ worth about the book.

A Very Unusual Review of The Bank On Yourself Revolution on

[Read more…] “Have You Seen This Amazing Review of The Bank On Yourself Revolution Book?”

Read These Bank On Yourself Reviews from Actual Clients

These Bank On Yourself reviews aren’t based merely on theory. They report the actual results of Bank On Yourself clients.

Bank On Yourself is a financial strategy based on high cash value dividend-paying whole life insurance. Bank On Yourself-type policies enjoy guaranteed growth and are carefully designed to create maximum cash value and flexibility. This allows policy owners to take loans against their life insurance policies while still experiencing the same growth on their money – just as if they hadn’t touched a dime of it!

Here are the Bank On Yourself reviews of two of our hundreds of thousands of happy Bank On Yourself clients …

Steady Growth of His Savings Replaces a Rocky Ride for Bank On Yourself Reviewer

Dan Proskauer is an engineer with a graduate degree from Cornell University, the highest-rated engineering school in the Ivy League. Dan works for a major healthcare company, and he holds three U.S. patents.

Dan is a sophisticated investor. He lives below his means, and he’s disciplined about saving for the future. But after the financial crashes of 2000 and 2008, Dan realized he had nothing to show for decades of saving and investing his hard-earned money and “doing all the right things.” [Read more…] “Read These Bank On Yourself Reviews from Actual Clients”

See Testimonials and Reviews About Bank On Yourself on Our YouTube Playlist

In their own personal YouTube reviews of Bank On Yourself, actual users of the Bank On Yourself strategy describe the different ways they use this flexible tried-and-true financial resource. We’ve collected some of these reviews in our YouTube Bank On Yourself Reviews Playlist.

Perhaps you want to be able to seize an unexpected opportunity that requires ready cash, or pay off student and credit card debt, take a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, finance the purchase of an automobile, or even underwrite the crowdsourcing of a church major fundraising campaign. These Bank On Yourself reviewers tell you how they did it.

And just as they did, you’ll find that borrowing against the cash value of your permanent life insurance policy is a quick, affordable, and simple way to get the cash you need in just a few short days, with no questions asked.

Bank On Yourself Reviewer Uses a Policy Loan to Help Fund a Last-Minute Adoption

[Read more…] “See Testimonials and Reviews About Bank On Yourself on Our YouTube Playlist”

Four Years after Publication, This New York Times Best-Seller on Bank On Yourself Still Generates Rave Reviews on Amazon

Picture of the Bank On Yourself Revolution book cover

Pamela Yellen’s book, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, hit the bookstores in 2014. It was an overnight sensation, landing on the bestseller lists of The New York Times, (where it was a #1 bestseller), and USA Today.

Picture of the Bank On Yourself Revolution book cover

Shoppers on the world’s largest bookstore,, have consistently praised all of Pamela Yellen’s books … and this one is no exception.

And in fact, nearly 80% of reviewers have given Pamela Yellen’s Bank On Yourself Revolution a 4-star or 5-star review. Many also used glowing terms to describe their personal experiences with the Bank On Yourself concept.

Why is the Bank On Yourself concept receiving so much positive attention from Americans interested in a secure financial future? We’ve sifted through Amazon’s book reviews to find the answers. (All reviews are quoted verbatim, except for spelling and grammatical corrections and minor edits for clarity.)

According to Amazon Reviewer “Valentine,” Bank On Yourself Is “The Best Lifelong Safe and Guaranteed Wealth-Building Strategy Everyone Can Employ”

[Read more…] “Four Years after Publication, This New York Times Best-Seller on Bank On Yourself Still Generates Rave Reviews on Amazon”

The Perils of Pamela Yellen

Dale Carnegie wrote,

If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

Vintage Movie poster, “The Perils of Pauline—The Abduction, 6th Episode in 2 parts”—from 1914

Did your grandmother ever tell you about The Perils of Pauline? The Perils of Pauline was a 1914 series of feature films about an energetic and naive young woman who traveled the world, running into mayhem and misadventures.

Vintage Movie poster, “The Perils of Pauline—The Abduction, 6th Episode in 2 parts”—from 1914

Sounds kinda like the script of my life.

This is Chapter Three of my untold story. You can read Chapter 1, The Elephant and the Circus, here. And go here to read Chapter 2, about The Ugly Halloween Mask.

Launching My New Career

Where were we? Oh, yeah. So, I had hauled myself across the country and found a coach, Somers White, who helped me design a fabulous business plan. The teensy weensy problem was that this brilliant plan required me to do the one thing that terrified me the most. No, I’m not talking about parachuting out of an airplane while blindfolded. In my mind, this was something far worse.

My personal source of terror was speaking in public. [Read more…] “The Perils of Pamela Yellen”

The REAL Reason Forbes Got Too Scared to Publish the Article They Asked Pamela Yellen to Write

As you can probably imagine, I felt honored when Forbes asked me to write an article for them. Wouldn’t you be flattered if Forbes wanted you to write an article?

It was one of their regular columnists who requested the article, who I’ve called “Pat” to protect the guilty.

Pat had asked me to answer ten questions for publication. The questions indicated Pat knew I have a contrarian take on Wall Street and that I’m a consumer advocate.

I was eager to answer Pat’s questions and tell the world about the scams in the mutual fund industry and expose the wealth-killing truths about 401(k)s and IRAs.

And I supported every statement I made with impeccable and unimpeachable sources, from Morningstar to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

But two days after receiving my article, Pat declined to run it “because there’s just too much controversy.”

So I Published the Article Myself

[Read more…] “The REAL Reason Forbes Got Too Scared to Publish the Article They Asked Pamela Yellen to Write”