Category: Bank On Yourself Explained

Expert Interview: Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

Did you know there is scientific evidence that gratitude can lower your blood pressure, improve your digestion, reduce your stress and boost your immune system?

And it can have an amazing impact on how you respond to events, people and situations… and how they in turn respond to you.

The wonderful thing is that it can be cultivated and nurtured.  Result:  You bring out the very best in yourself and your life and the best in those whom you love, work and play with.

Buy Catherine Price's book, Gratitude: A NovelIn my 30-minute interview with best-selling author Catherine Price, you’ll discover some practical tips for cultivating an attitude of gratitude – and multiplying your blessings.

Catherine is the author of Gratitude: A Journal (available here on our Amazon store).  It’s a perennial best-seller that gives you a great way to keep a daily record of life’s little blessings, and it’s filled with a year’s worth of insights, prompts and inspiring quotes. [Read more…] “Expert Interview: Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude”

The Secret Connection Between Health and Wealth

Is there a connection between your physical health and your financial wealth?

Absolutely! And it’s more important than you may realize…

When you’re not in good health, you’re not as effective on the job, in your investing strategies or at home.

Often, the price we pay for inattention to the care and feeding of our bodies doesn’t become evident for years or even decades. However, when the tab finally does come due, it is often shockingly high and can instantly erase a life’s worth of careful financial planning.

Diabetes… a heart attack… cancer can all drain tens – or even hundreds – of thousands of dollars out of your pocket over time.

Other tolls, such as worry, insecurity and loss of companionship, can’t be measured in dollars.

I’ve been a “health nut” for decades – reading and learning voraciously about ways to prevent and cure illness without relying on drugs, surgery or other invasive, debilitating procedures.

What I’ve discovered is that there is a whole world of natural alternative cures that you and I weren’t being told about.

Which is why I want to introduce you today to Dr. Stephen Sinatra – the world-renowned cardiologist and nutritional expert who’s advice my family has found incredibly helpful and effective.

Cardiologist Cures Chronic Conditions… Without Drugs

[Read more…] “The Secret Connection Between Health and Wealth”

A Special Message for Women Who Want to Be Financially Independent

Best Kept Secrets of Successful Women - Financial Edge
Free Bonus Report when you subscribe to the Women’s Financial Edge

I was really excited when one of the largest consumer newsletter publishers in the world, Agora Publishing, asked me to be the Editor-In-Chief of The Women’s Financial Alliance, a new publishing franchise dedicated to helping women grow their wealth safely and enjoy a richer lifestyle.

We launched a free e-letter – The Women’s Financial Edge – at the beginning of May, and it’s being extremely well received. We’ve already been featured in USA Today, CNBC, Huffington Post, The Detroit Free Press and more.

If you haven’t already subscribed, you can do so here right now. And when you do, you’ll be able to instantly download our Bonus Report, The Best-Kept Secrets of Successful Women.

This Report contains 28 powerful, easy-to-implement strategies and tips for saving more, avoiding costly financial mistakes, saving a relationship, gaining a career advantage most men will never have, getting more done in one day than most people do in a week, losing weight effortlessly, and much more! (Get this Report instantly when you sign up to receive the Women’s Financial Edge here.)

Perhaps you’re wondering…

Do Women Really Need or Want Different Financial Advice than Men?

Good question! And one I asked myself when I was first offered the position of Editor-In-Chief of this new publication. That got me doing a lot of research, and I was surprised by what I discovered…

[Read more…] “A Special Message for Women Who Want to Be Financially Independent”

Pamela Yellen Named Top Personal Finance Influencer

I’ve just been named one of the 30 most influential people in personal finance and wealth, and I wanted to share the exciting news with you!

Starting with a field of more than 1,000 finance experts, the study (commissioned by MoneyTips) used a rigorous process to score and rank each expert to whittle it down to a ranked list of the top 30 influencers in wealth and personal finance.Pamela Yellen is a Money Tips Top 30 Influencer

I’m ranked #19 on this list of the Top 30 social influencers impacting Americans’ financial lives.

The list was published last week on the Huffington Post, titled, What the Top 30 Personal Finance/Wealth Influencers Know That You Don’t. I was also one of a handful of the top experts quoted in the article.

I am very gratified by this acknowledgement. For the past decade I’ve devoted my life to educating people about alternatives to traditional investing and retirement planning that have enabled hundreds of thousands of people to stop using the crystal-ball-hope-and-pray method of financial planning and start knowing how good their financial future can be.

And I’ve learned several important lessons along the way – I’ll share the most important one with you in a moment.

[Read more…] “Pamela Yellen Named Top Personal Finance Influencer”

Pamela Yellen’s untold story (part 2 – the ugly Halloween mask)

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life… And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs 

At the end of my circus adventure (if you missed the story about my riding an elephant in a skin-tight gold sequined leotard, you can read all about it here), I returned to Sarasota, Florida. And I have to confess, I was beginning to feel a little restless.

My dating life was non-existent and I couldn’t afford to keep buying men (it’s not what it seems!). I had been working as the sales manager for a specialty publication for three years. Work was fine, but not very exciting and not something that I was passionate about.

All in all, my life was okay. Just okay. Yawn!

[Read more…] “Pamela Yellen’s untold story (part 2 – the ugly Halloween mask)”

Is Pamela Yellen related to Janet Yellen?

People often confuse me – Pamela Yellen – with Janet Yellen, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

I can understand the confusion – we share the same relatively rare last name (“Yellen”), we’re both women in finance (a male-dominated field), and we’re only six years apart in age. But that’s where the similarities end.

Janet Yellen and Pamela Yellen

Janet Yellen is the former head of the Fed, while if I were nominated, my first course of action would be to abolish the Fed. I’ll tell you why in a moment…

Janet Yellen and Pamela Yellen

Alas, I am not hopeful about the future of the economy with Ms. Yellen or Mr. Powell at the helm.  The Fed is still printing money 24/7, forever blowing asset bubbles (and the inevitable bursts that follow), and throwing seniors and savers under the bus by keeping interest rates artificially – and dangerously – low.

Of course, if this strategy works so well, why did we experience the slowest rebound from a recession in memory (if not in history)?

There are a lot of reasons I’d abolish the Federal Reserve…

For starters, it’s not federal, nor are there any reserves. It was conceived in 1910 during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in Georgia of seven wealthy and well-connected bankers who controlled one-fourth of the total wealth of the entire world. Its purpose was to birth a banking cartel to protect its members from competition. (A fascinating book on this topic is The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, available here on

Bank On Yourself Revolution hits New York Times best-seller list!

I just found out my new book, The Bank On Yourself Revolution, hit #4 on The New York Times best-seller list the first week it was released!

New York Times List

It also hit #1 on Amazon and the Barnes & Noble website.

And it hit the USA Today best-seller list.

Order your copy here today and save 27%!

New York Times List

One week after the book was released, my publisher had to rush to do a second printing, because they said the book has been flying off the retailers’ shelves.

I’m incredibly gratified by this response, as I poured my heart and soul (along with a lot of blood, sweat and tears) into this book.

If you haven’t gotten your copy of The Bank On Yourself Revolution yet – or you’d like to get additional copies for friends and relatives – why not grab yours now, before the current stock runs out?

Order The Bank On Yourself Revolution at a 27% discount right here.
[Read more…] “Bank On Yourself Revolution hits New York Times best-seller list!”

Wall Street Wall of Shame: A Month of Scams, Scandals and Shenanigans

Seems like every time I turn around there’s yet another scam artist on Wall Street ripping us off! Everywhere I look, some financial whiz kid is making a buck for himself out of the hard-earned dollars of everybody else!

But I dunno – is it really that bad? Maybe I’m exaggerating?”

investment scams

So I decided to check it out and track the scandals of banks and Wall Street for just one month. I picked August (August, 2013), because, heck, it’s summertime and things should be pretty slow on the scams, scandals and shenanigans front, right?  I mean, aren’t all those guys off in their multi-zillion dollar summer homes in the Hamptons or the Caribbean during August? Kinda like Congress where nothing at all happens when they go on recess?

investment scams

Turns out the answer is yes and no. Yes, they were off vacationing, but no, that didn’t slow them down. In this should-be-sleepy month of August, I found dozens of reports and articles that made me cringe, cry, gnash my teeth and spit!

Here are some of the month’s lowlights:

#1: When It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Is!

SAC Capital Advisors is accused of running a corrupt hedge fund. Evidence of insider trading is substantive, though SAC claims that it was “hard work and know-how” that created the firm’s 30% annual returns over the past couple of decades. The indictments against the firm say otherwise.

But oddly, Steven Cohen, hands-on manager and founder of the firm, isn’t named in the indictments. Gosh and golly, it turns out he “doesn’t read his emails” so isn’t responsible.  In fact, this month Cohen threw a lavish party at his ten-bedroom, 9,000-square-foot home in the East Hamptons while those of us without insider information fired up burgers on the grill.
[Read more…] “Wall Street Wall of Shame: A Month of Scams, Scandals and Shenanigans”

Why I swore I’d never write another book

I absolutely did not want to write another book… but I wanted to share with you what changed my mind.

Yup, after months of brain-numbing work and putting in hours that could kill a horse, I just sent the manuscript of my second book off to the publisher. The title is, The Bank On Yourself Revolution: Fire Your Banker, Bypass Wall Street and Take Control of Your Own Financial Future.


It will be published early next year, and there is no doubt in my mind it will hit all the best-seller lists, just like my first book. (Of course, I’ll let you know how you can get an autographed copy.)


This book is incredibly well documented and will blow the lid off the “conventional financial wisdom” and expose it for what it really is – a way for Wall Street and the banks to continue to line their pockets at our expense.

Writing my first book in 2008 was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It was all-consuming of my time and energy for nearly a year. I swore to my husband Larry that I would never, ever again set myself up for the stress of looming deadlines, the agony of the editor’s red pen, and the loss of so many weekends and so much sleep. Nope. Never again.

Then the book hit the best-seller lists. (That was nice and softened the pain a bit.) And we got tremendous response from folks who were thrilled to have discovered Bank On Yourself. (That was even better.)

Are you ready to have the peace of mind of knowing at least a chunk of your nest-egg is in a plan that goes in only one direction…

And has never had a losing year in over 160 years? You can know the guaranteed value of your Bank On Yourself plan at any point in time before you decide to move forward. To find out what your numbers would be, request your FREE Analysis, if you haven’t already.
Request Your Analysis Button

But then the backlash started. (Not fun at all.)

[Read more…] “Why I swore I’d never write another book”

Shouting about Bank On Yourself from the rooftops

Dan Proskauer recently sent me a chart showing how his family’s net worth has grown since he started his first Bank On Yourself plan 3 1/2 years ago, and how that compares to the previous 10 years.

When Dan saw this chart on his financial tracking software program, he said his jaw dropped so hard it left a dent on his keyboard and that “we should be shouting about this from the rooftops.”

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look for yourself and note how you’ll see a more detailed version of the chart when you place your mouse over it…

Bank On Yourself

Why would Dan be willing to reveal and discuss something as personal as his net worth for the whole world to see? Because, in Dan’s words…

[Read more…] “Shouting about Bank On Yourself from the rooftops”